Madrid Luxury District Association


Our mission is to promote luxury with passion; to share experiences between like-minded brands with the same positioning; to work to give our streets an exclusive personality, being a vector of growth for Madrid.


We are working to consolidate Madrid as the European Capital of Luxury; to strengthen the relationship between brands and the city and its institutions; to transform the Ortega y Gasset area into a preferred shopping, cultural, artistic and gastronomic destination.


We provide service to brands to promote luxury shopping. We are interlocutors with entities and institutions that help to position Madrid as a destination of international interest; and we promote joint actions in urban planning and security.

Member of the Madrid Tourist Board

Madrid Luxury District was created in 2018 as an association to bring together and promote the joint work of the main luxury brands located in Ortega y Gasset and the Salamanca neighbourhood, an area recognised as an essential hub for the most exclusive shopping.

It is a space for collaboration, exchange and mutual support for the promotion of excellence and innovation in shopping experiences in the city of Madrid, with the aim of boosting the area, transforming, accompanying and positioning Madrid as a reference destination for international tourism.

Founded by Inmaculada Pérez Castellanos, Madrid Luxury District is currently made up of leading firms that work together through the Association. It is a Member-to-Member Business Development.

Madrid Luxury District is a member of the Local Tourism Council of the Madrid City Council, the only one of the 23 entities that form it specialised in the luxury sector, in its aim to participate in forums that help to consolidate the proposal of Madrid as a destination.